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Au Revoir! Preparing for Paris...

As a little girl, I enjoyed learning about anything new. Whenever we visited my grandfather in the summertime, he used to open his atlas and tell us stories from around the world. Eagerly, I listened to his tales, waiting to come of age and see how it is out there for myself. Then the civil war broke out and the borders were closed, followed by years of insecure waiting. There was no hope of going anywhere for a very long time. It was only when I turned 17 that my parents sent me away to my first trip ever, to France. It was a two week long, exhausting, but ever so exciting journey. On the way home, we were supposed to stay in Paris for two days. When we arrived to the city, I was almost paralyzed by its size and beauty. Growing up in a small town and never seeing anything much bigger than a summer fair, it was more than I could take in. After arriving, I found out to my greatest sadness that we are allowed to stay only for a brief 6 hours. Still, it was more than I had dreamed of. I promised myself then that I will return someday.

A few weeks ago, I came home from work and my partner was waiting for me with a huge smile on his face. As Valentine's Day was approaching, he thought to surprise me with a most amazing gift. Namely, he booked a romantic weekend in Paris for the two of us: a beautiful hotel, dinner, river cruise...And to top it all (if possible), we will be watching Dita's show in the Crazy Horse.

Well, you can imagine my excitement ever since! We are off on Friday, so I had to start packing. I got the bags out, and started off with selecting a few dresses that I will definitely take. The red Lindy Bop had been on the top of my list for a while now, just like the black Top Shop one. It reminds me of Dita's Second Look dress. Another favourite is the most beautiful bag I have ever had: Woody Ellen's handbag from the Red Paris collection. I am quite sure the next post is going to be quite long. If you haven't seen Paris yet, I will gladly take you on a tour. Au revoir jusque-lá, mes amis!

Some of the jewellery that I'll be taking


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