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Vintage Silver Cross Ride

Rosie has turned 10 months. She is learning fast, and sometimes I still cannot believe how quickly she is growing. But most of all, she only needs to give an innocent look with her huge, blue eyes, and people instantly start smiling and talking to us. Every time we go shopping, to the doctor's or just for a walk, we get to know someone new. Yesterday, for instance, we stayed in town for an hour longer than planned just because of chatting to a lady and her husband in the lift, various people in the shops and all the cashiers of course.

You can imagine what people's reactions were when we got dressed in bright red and went for a walk in our vintage Silver Cross pram to the park.

But let's go back to the story of the pram briefly. When I saw it online before she was born, I instantly fell in love. Small details are my weakness, and the fact that on its side there is a tiny plaque, embellished with a rose, was just perfect. Family got it for us as a gift, and I immediately started making plans on updating it. I bought a new mattress, sheets, cushion and sewed a lace curtain. But most of all, I gave a fresh look to the hood. The pram looked like this when it arrived:

Following a thorough cleaning, I set out to sew a new hood. I managed to copy the pattern, however, I could not remove some screws and the needle wouldn't go through some places. Then I tried to use an upholstery staple gun, however, the hood frame at the front is made of some kind of metal...So glue gun it had to be. Well, it would be silly to say it was easy...but it was so worth it! Now the hood is bright red and waterproof. What do you think?

It was a delight pushing the pram. Even though the streets are quite steep in Old Town as you can see in the picture, the large wheels and its bounciness make it easy to manouvre around with. I daresay it is even sturdier and better than the modern versions (we have one of those, too).

Rosie, of course, was smiling and waving. I don't even know how many times were we stopped on the way to the park. Naturally, we managed to make a new friend in the person of a guy who called Rosie a proper little celebrity. It may be true one day, who knows...He was keeping us company in the street while we were taking the photos, and then we met again in the park. The funniest character though was an elderly lady driver who stopped at the traffic lights with a pedestrian crossing button. She was looking at Rosie in the pram, smiling, and did not move until we signalled to her that she actually has a green light.

The photo above was taken in our garden. We have traffic lights not far from our home, and usually, there is a row of cars on the road outside the gate. While Andy was taking the photos, some people sitting in the cars were waving, watching, and some shouted to us, asking if there was a baby inside the pram. One lady with her family asked if they could see Rosie. Needless to say, they were delighted when I lifted her out of her pram and she started waving...

Look at her lounging in her pram! I was saying to Andy, she so loves to be pampered!

Rosie loves nature and animals. It makes me so happy that she is kind; she is so gentle with trees and flowers! Look at her staring at the swinging leaves on that shrub! She loves reaching out and toying with the branches.

Autumn in the UK has blessed us with plenty of sunshine this year, and I am glad we managed to take the pram for a stroll before we retire it. After all, Rosie is a big girl now, and it will be small for her sadly too soon. Even so, it is parked in our bay window that overlooks the garden, so she can enjoy the occasional play in it, watching the trees swing in the wind. If you ever think about purchasing one, I highly recommend it. It is a good old thing that you will enjoy! Well, maybe not as much as Rosie...Her latest craze now is to swing out from the pram and take a very close look at the plaque, upside down, naturally. Here's to hoping she outgrows this habit very soon. Until next time, then!!!

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