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A Vintage Treasure Hunt

As mentioned in my previous post, I had a few exciting weekends ahead a little while back. The weather stabilised, and the treasure-hiding boot fairs re-opened for the season. The very first ones are always intriguing, as the fairs are closed in the winter, and people collect a lot of things during that time. It is therefore very worthwhile to visit the first fair of the spring if you live in this part of the world. People like to de-clutter in the spring.

Fortunately, I managed to make a trip to the first, and the second boot fair as well. The fair is located on a huge field, surrounded by little farms that give home to beautiful horses. Around the field, there is a forest, the grounds of which are covered with a purlish-blue carpet of spring bluebellls. The scent is simply enchanting. Let me take you around the numerous stalls - and I will also show you the little treasures I found.

As you can see, there is a little bit of everything. I mostly like to look for silverware, vintage hats and jewellery. Occasionally, I find being weak for all things vintage, actually. The craftsmanship of objects from the past can still hardly be surpassed. Here are a few photos of the forest, then the finds.

I took my vintage shopping trolley to the fair. Even though I wasn't hoping I would fill it, I did manage to!

I found a basket full of old lace and purchased it for decorative purposes and future projects. Only when I arrived home did I notice that there was a pair of crocheted gloves hidden amongst all that lace. You can imagine my joy... It was a real treasure hunt indeed!

I also noticed a beautiful parasol. I could not leave it, of course.

Especially dear were these sweet little items in the picture above: perfume bottles, white porcelain saucer and a set of silver teaspoons. I bought all of the items for £1 or 50p. They will make a lovely addition to my dressing table.

I also managed to get hold of a brand new, unopened collection of music from the 40s and 50s, a banner for my kitchen, a cream and some vintage brooches and earrings. Again, all the items were in the £1 range!

Last but not least, I could not resist to show you the remaining few items in my trolley in person. I found an amazing vintage silk and leather umbrella - the picture does not do it justice. The hat and the fur were just waiting to expand my art deco inspired collection. I was really excited to try them on to the extent that I did not even put any make-up on. I do hope you will forgive me for this.

I hope I have managed to pass on to you you at least some of the excitement of my adventure. I will be expanding the search in the area nearby, hoping to travel as far as France soon. Apparently the fairs in the small French villages are breathtaking.

Do you visit any fairs of vintage markets sometimes? What do you look for? If you have any tips, please leave a comment - I would be delighted to share in my treasure hunting experiences with you further. Until next time then!

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